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The John & Alice Gales Foundation

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The Coach John and Alice Gales Foundation assists and creates positive pathways that lead to success in life. We accomplish this through mentoring, coaching, and technology. 

Our mentoring programs are educational, enlightening, and entertaining. 

We adhere to our core values of service, trust, respect, excellence, adventure, motivation, education, and discipline. We believe that we will make champions of trusted individuals who are willing to learn, listen, and love.

"We will make champions out of each one of them."
- Coach John & Alice Gales

How does one become a champion of the Coach John and Alice Gales Foundation? 

How do we rebuild, restore, and repair our village communities? 

Well, it is as easy as 1-2-3. 

First, be a good citizen. 

Secondly, learn how to learn. 

Thirdly, love your neighbors. 

Our foundational journey is fundamental, we continue to make positive deposits into the lives of our community members. 

Our goal is to provide, prepare, preserve, polish, and present a finished product; A GOOD CITIZEN! 

We feel that our curriculum of science, technology, reading, engineering, art, math, entrepreneurship, and design provides that very pathway to success and are the key elements to a successful life. 

The Coach John and Alice Gales Foundation, along with the anticipated collaborators of the community at large, is prepared and will continue to make a positive difference in the lives of many. 


"It still takes a village" - johngalesjr

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